How To Clean And Maintain The Dyson Cyclone V10

Dyson Cyclone

The Dyson V10 vacuum cleaner is often regarded as one of the most influential models available; moreover, maintaining such a potent appliance may take time due to its complexity. Read on if you want to learn some tricks for optimizing the performance of your Dyson vacuum.

Dyson Cyclone V10 is a strong cordless stick vacuum. But, first, it would be best to learn what sets it apart to appreciate its benefits fully. Buying a vacuum cleaner is a complex decision, and there are a few factors to consider first.

This cordless vacuum has almost the same suction force as a full-size vacuum, and it uses cyclone technology to pick up even the tiniest dust and dirt particles.

There are three different versions of the V10 that you may choose from Animal, Total Clean, and Absolute Clean.

The vacuums can be converted into handheld devices, and emptying the bin may be done by just pointing and shooting.

The vacuums come with various extra tools, such as a combination tool, a crevice tool, a mini-motorized tool that can remove hair and ground-in debris, and a soft dusting brush. All of this equipment can be found in the accessory kit.

These vacuums are costly, so cleaning and maintaining them regularly is of the highest significance. This will not only guarantee that the level of performance is kept at an ideal level, but it will also ensure that the vacuum’s lifetime is increased.

You must perform three things regularly to keep your vacuum in excellent working order. For starters, the dust and debris-collecting container should be emptied often and, if feasible, cleaned.

Additionally, you are responsible for cleaning the filter(s) and ensuring no obstructions in the system. Some of them are even indicated by convenient lights on the Dyson Cyclone V10 line of vacuum cleaners.

Step by Step Cleaning

1. Turn Off the Power to the Device

Make sure that the appliance has been turned off and, if required, disconnect before proceeding.

2. Make Sure the Can is Empty

Once the dust bin is full, remove it from its location as you usually would and dump out any remaining contents. Since there is no such thing as a bag in a Dyson V10 vacuum cleaner, it is best to complete this task outdoors to avoid triggering allergies and creating a mess.

Be careful to give the container a good shake and remove any obvious obstructions by hooking them out.

You may release this cordless type by pressing a red trigger or button near the handle; however, you should consult the user manual if you need clarification on how to do this.

3. Give the Container Thorough Washing and Cleaning

Use a wet microfiber towel to wipe the container’s interior. Do not clean the canister with any detergent or other cleaning product, and do not immerse it in water.  However, you can use compressed air to reach any tricky places if you do it outdoors. Just be sure to wear protective gear.

4. Remove the Filter

It’s time to start working on the filter while we wait for the canister to finish drying. The filter on your vacuum is vital since it primarily collects big particles, such as dust and pollen, and traps them within the vacuum, where they cannot harm the motor or be discharged into the environment.

This filter will undoubtedly get coated and obstructed with dust due to constant usage, and it will need to be cleaned afterwards.

To keep the filter clean, you must open up the suction hose. If the filter were not already removed during the previous procedure, you would also need to remove the base plate covering the filter.

5. The Filter Should be Cleaned and Dried After Wash

After it has been separated, take care to take the filter outdoors and remove any immediate dust over a container; you may tap it lightly to loosen the bulk of the particles.

Following this, you should bring the filter back inside and give it a quick washing under cold running water.

Now give it one more thorough cleaning by filling it with water, covering the openings with your hands, and gently shaking it. This should remove any remaining debris. Take out a portion of the water, refill it, and keep doing so until the solution is clear.

After that, give the filter a few good shakes to remove any leftover liquid, and then set it aside to air dry for at least a day. Before putting in a new filter, make sure it has dried thoroughly.

6. Clear the Tangles in the Brush

Any stray hairs that may have been tangled in the brush roll must now be removed. Cut the bar with a pair of scissors (manicure scissors are great for this) to remove them.

Take care not to tug or push any hairs out of the vacuum since doing so might cause harm to the appliance. Also, care must be taken to prevent the bristles from being harmed during trimming.

Remove the soleplate from some Dyson hoovers to access the brush roll. You can do this task with a coin or a screwdriver with a flat head. Just be careful you put the screws somewhere secure for the time being. While you’re here, dampen a microfiber towel and use it to wipe off the brush roll storage area.

7. Make Sure the Pipe is Clear of any Obstructions

A clog is likely to blame for your Dyson vacuum’s unexpected inactivity. Please take off the hose and carefully examine it to see whether or not this is the situation. If you have anything long and thin, like the handle of a mop, you may be able to push it through to remove an obstruction.

If this is not possible, try soaking the hose in a mixture of warm water and white distilled vinegar for ten minutes before cleaning it. This ought to loosen the obstruction that was causing the problem. Then, expose it to the air to ensure it dries thoroughly.

You could also examine the connection between the canister and the hose of your stick vacuum to make sure it is clear.

8. Ensure the Attachments are Clean

It is also essential to check your attachments. Crevice tools and mini-motorized tool maintenance are recommended for heavy users.

Hand-clean the instruments or use the primary brush roll to eliminate any lingering dust and trapped hairs. After that, use a moist microfiber cloth to clean the various add-ons.

9. Clean the Outside Using a Damp Cloth

Use a wet microfiber cloth to give the outside of your Dyson vacuum cleaner a thorough cleaning as a finishing touch.

10. Let it Air Dry Before Putting Back Together

Before you attempt to reassemble anything, be sure that everything has had at least one day to dry completely. And doing that, your Dyson vacuum should be operational once again. Maintaining it properly over time is something you should remember.

Tips for Routine Maintenance

If you want your Dyson Cyclone vacuum cleaner to run as long as possible, you must do routine maintenance on it consistently. Maintaining the vacuum cleaner regularly will prevent blockages and dust accumulation within the appliance.

Several issues cause the engine to malfunction and not operate as well as it should. Regular cleaning of a vacuum cleaner may help it last longer.

If you want to keep your Dyson vacuum in good working order, consider the following advice:

  • To prevent dust and buildup, you should always clean the filter before putting it away.
  • To clean the filter, merely use water. Never substitute water or any other liquid.
  • Use the brush bar sparingly. If the brush bar wears out soon, you may stop using it or replace it.
  • Make sure there is no dust or dirt in the vacuum.
  • It’s best to put something light, such as books or toys, inside the vacuum’s base. A breakdown may occur as a result of the resulting obstructions.
  • Be sure to check whether the hose has any leaks.
  • Lubricate the vacuum cleaner’s moving components.
  • Regularly empty the dust bag and clean it.
  • Do not expose the filters to solid chemicals.


How do I Clean the Bottom of my Dyson V10?

The process is quite simple: after unclogging the bottom of the dust-collecting area, use a brush to sweep away any remaining debris. Be sure to brush carefully, and don’t use your fingers to clean.

The best way to do this is by lifting the cover and using a dust brush to brush the sides and bottom of the canister. If you have to scrub too hard, the brush will bend, and that may cause the cover to stick. Once you are done cleaning, push the canister back down and replace the cover.

How Often Should you Change the Filter on a Dyson V10?

In addition, you should make it a goal to change your filter at least once every half a year. However, this time estimate fluctuates based on the frequency you use your vacuum and the degree of dirtiness on the floors.

Additionally, your Dyson vacuum cleaner may come with more than one filter, and each has to be cleaned to guarantee that your machine continues to function correctly.

Can Dyson Filters be Washed?

Use only cold water while cleaning filters. Don’t use soap or a washing machine/dishwasher. After rinsing the filter under running water, you should squeeze out the excess liquid. Then, to get clean water, rinse and repeat.

How Many filters does a Dyson V10 have?

It’s excellent that Dyson thought ahead and provided two filters for the V10 so you can keep using it even when one is in the wash. To maintain your machine operating at peak performance, clean the filter once a month and let it dry thoroughly before reinstalling it.

How Long do Filters Last in Dyson V10?

The filters that come standard on Dyson V10 hoovers are only intended to have a lifespan of two years.

If you use your vacuum less often than the typical user, the filters will last longer, but they will wear out more quickly if you use your vacuum more frequently than the average user. In addition, the filters will get clogged considerably more rapidly if you use them to collect a lot of fine dust.


Vacuuming is essential to the daily household routine, but you must take care of your vacuum to adequately clean your house. Following the guide above, you can easily clean the Dyson Vacuum cyclone v10, get back its optimum performance and enjoy the benefits of a well-maintained vacuum cleaner.

Richman Aurthur

Hey, it's me, Richman Arthur - your cleaning guru with 18 years of vacuum wizardry under my belt. Let's chase away those pesky dust tumbleweeds and make cleaning fun

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