How to Clean and Maintain Robot Vacuum Cleaners: 9 Easy Steps

Robot Vacuum

A robot vacuum works hard to keep your floors clean and free of dust and debris, relieving you of the chore of cleaning once a week. However, you may find that the vacuum exerts less effort than it formerly did. When was the last time you did more than just empty the trash and gave your robot vacuum cleaner a good scrub?

Every robot vacuum must be cleaned regularly to function at peak efficiency, whatever the brand is. It’s not a tough job, but it will need some of your time. However, after a thorough cleaning, the robot vacuum will amaze you with how well it cleans your floors.

When Should a Robot Vacuum Be Cleaned?

If you need access to a regularly scheduled automatic dirt disposal system, set the vacuum that way so it can automatically check the collecting container and empty it at least once every other day.

How often you should clean your floors is proportional to how filthy they become. Therefore, the collecting container has to be emptied and cleaned once a month to avoid the buildup of dust and debris.

If you have pets, you should clean the vacuum filter at least once a week to eliminate the little particles and hair that might clog it up. Sensors, charging portals, and wheels should be cleaned every two weeks, and brushes should be cleaned once a month.

Step-by-Step Guide for Maintaining Your Robotic Vacuum

1. Turn off the Hoover

Once the robot vacuum has finished cleaning, unplug it from its charging dock and turn off the power.

2. Clear out the Bin

Make sure a trash can or bag is nearby before emptying the bin.

3. Take Out the Filter

Remove the filter and wash it according to the manual’s instructions. It is possible to clean certain filters using hot water. On the other hand, a little dusting with a soft bristle brush is all that’s required. See the manual with your specific model to determine how frequently you should change the filter.

4. Empty and Clean the Trash Can

Clean the recycling bin with a microfiber cloth or wash it in hot, soapy water. Next, use a clean microfiber towel to dry it thoroughly, paying particular heed to the sensors to ensure they are dust-free. The filter should be cleaned and replaced when the bin is cleaned.

Some parts of robot vacuums can’t go in the dishwasher unless the maker says so. Also, if you dismantle the vacuum to clean or rinse a part, you must wait until it is dry before reassembling it. It would be best if you didn’t spray water or cleaning solutions anywhere near the sensors or on them.

5. Scrub the Outside Bristles

The thin “winged” brush on the outside of most robot vacuums is designed to clean in tight spaces and around walls’ edges. First, remove any knotted hairs with tweezers or tiny scissors, and then use a microfiber towel to clean the brushes. Cleaning the brush requires removing it, which may require a screwdriver.

6. Clean the Wheels

The vacuum might scratch your floor if the wheels are restricted with any such thing. Most vacuums include detachable wheels that allow for mobile cleaning. Take them apart, clean up the wheels well of any dust or dirt, and then reinstall them.

7. Clean up the Brushes

If the instructions for your vacuum cleaner say to remove the brush attachment before it becomes clogged with lint, hair, or other debris, you should definitely do that. You can just press a button, and the brushes will come out.

Brushes with caps should have those caps removed so that the bristles can be cleaned of any material lodged in the bristle core. To untangle things, use fine-tip scissors or tweezers. Be cautious not to damage the bristles of the brush.

To clean the dust from the brushes, you may use a microfiber cloth or a crevice tool. Before putting the brushes back, make sure there are no barriers in the way of the trash can.

8. Clean the Sensors

Clean the sensors, camera window, and charging connections with a dry microfiber cloth.

9. Clean the Battery Charger

Finally, remove dust from the charging base’s sensors using a dry microfiber towel. Next, make sure the blower in your automatic dirt collection bin is clear, and check the bag to see if it’s full so you can throw it away and get a new one if it is.

Tips to Maintain Your Robotic Vacuum Components

1. Rollers

If you use your robot vacuum for more than a few minutes, you can notice that its wheels squeak and possibly become loose. The impact is felt most severely by the front wheels. In such a case, removing the caster wheel from the robot requires a great effort.

Give the wheel a spin using your hands to gauge how often it spins. If the wheel turns in a weird, impeded manner, it may be time to clear the surrounding area.

The axle has to be pushed to be uncoupled from the wheel. Debris is removed from the area surrounding the axle in this way. The last step is to clean the wheel, reattach it to the vacuum’s axle, and reassemble the robot.

Call the support team if you’re having trouble reattaching the wheel to the hose. Of course, one has to be prepared with the robot hoover, the serial number, and any warranty claims if such a problem arises.

2. Main Broom

There is just one primary brush also called the main broom, on most robot vacuums, which is responsible for sucking everything from dust to hair into its dust bin. Unfortunately, the primary brush can also get tangled with debris, most often hair, limiting its ability to do its job the same way the wheels might become stuck to dirt.

When a person has finished his cleaning tasks, he should focus on the primary brush and remove everything attached. However, care must be taken to avoid cutting the bristles that aid in cleaning.

Taking the broom off a robot vacuum after using it for a month is recommended. Washing by hand with hot water and a light detergent is a good option if you’re trying to save money. After that, they must let it air dry before putting it back in the robot vacuum.

3. Side Broom

Remember that the side brushes are much more diminutive than the main brush. In reality, they serve as the main brush’s sidekicks, removing dirt and dust from places the main brush can’t get to. However, they need maintenance to keep working correctly.

The side brushes might get tangled and distorted after prolonged usage of the robot vacuum. All that’s required is a quick straightening of the side brushes. To do this, heat the bristles with a hair drier for a short period. These bristles will settle into position when the side bristles are warmed. However, the correct holding posture is necessary for cooling.

4. Sensor System

Maintaining a robot sensor is an easy task, so you can rest easy knowing you’ve made a wise investment. It is the existence of the sensor itself that causes the light to reflect and trigger the sensor’s operation. Therefore, they need periodic cleaning to maintain optimal performance.

The sensor’s ability to reflect light diminishes if debris covers it. Cleaning products containing chlorine or detergents should be avoided since they can cause permanent damage to the lens in the sensors.

5. Dustbins and Filters

Robot vacuums also need regular dust bins and filter cleaning. Again, it’s something you should do regularly. Do not allow the containers to become too full. This is due to the fact that the trash cans are relatively small, making regular inspections required. One should inspect the trash cans each time they do cleaning.

It’s also important to regularly clean the filters. If you keep them clean, they’ll be able to clean more quickly and effectively. If not, they will have difficulty sucking up the dust. Not only that, but a lack of clean filters hindered the robot vacuum’s suction.

6. Batteries

Batteries should be given special attention when doing routine maintenance. Despite most robot vacuum’s 5200mAh battery capacity, the battery must be appropriately maintained to prevent the robot vacuum from being overworked.

In addition, batteries can be fairly expensive, so it makes sense to keep them in good condition to save money.


Can I put a cleaning solution in my robot vacuum?

Only water should be put into the tank to avoid damage to the vacuum system. The tank on the robot vacuum is only made to hold water or another neutral solution. Unfortunately, the antibacterial cleansers are acidic, so they will dissolve the interior of the tank, causing holes through which water can flow and weaken the mortar.

What is the lifespan of a robot vacuum?

A typical life expectancy for a robotic vacuum is between four and six years. This varies depending on the particular model. Daily use and cleaning will also have a role.

When should you empty a robot vacuum?

Robot vacuums store the dirt and dust they gather in an internal container, usually a tiny dustbin, until they are emptied. Based on the size of your home and the filth on the floor, you may need to clean the trash can after every two or three cleaning sessions.

Does it make sense to use your robot vacuum daily?

The choice is ultimately yours. Four to seven times a week is what we’d suggest. Cleaning should be done more often in a large home with extensive carpeting. Pet owners should vacuum their houses to get rid of the hair shed by their pets every day.

Should I invest in a robot mop and vacuum?

A robot mop can efficiently maintain the cleanliness and appeal of a reasonably large floor made of hardwood flooring. And they reduce the frequency with which you have to wipe the floor.

Bottom Line

Overall, cleaning and maintaining your robot vacuum cleaner is a simple task. However, following the simple tips outlined in this blog post, you can keep your vacuum running smoothly for years.

Richman Aurthur

Hey, it's me, Richman Arthur - your cleaning guru with 18 years of vacuum wizardry under my belt. Let's chase away those pesky dust tumbleweeds and make cleaning fun

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